Quality Dorper sires from top studs at Dubbo sale

LEADING studs from across Australia are preparing for the 2019 National Dorper and White Dorper Sale at Dubbo on September 4. Eighteen studs, coming from Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria and NSW, will have 86 animals on offer, with 36 Dorper rams, 40 White Dorper rams, four Dorper ewes and...

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Organic Dorpers thrive on Darling Anabranch

Making the switch from woolgrowers to prime lamb production has been a success for John and Leanne Clothier and their three children Sarah, Emily and Megan at Polia Station, via Pooncarie, New South Wales. The couple made the switch to White Dorpers in the early 2000s after ongoing years of...

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Dorper and White Dorper Queensland sale tops at $3800

The 11th annual Queensland multi-vendor Dorper and White Dorper ram sale sold to a top of $3800 and average of $1191 on Monday at St George. The Dorpers topped at $3800 to average $1187 with a clearance of 84 per cent and the White Dorpers topped the sale with $2700...

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Dorpers Feature on Better Homes and Gardens

You may not have heard of Dorper Ewes, but at Amarula in northern New South Wales they’re not sheepish about showing them off! During his visit to the farm, Ed will be cooking a rich lamb stew that could become your go-to winter warmer! Click here to view the video...

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Cottonseed meal pellet filling a feed gap

A new stock feed pellet utilising a by-product from the cottonseed oil extraction process has livestock producers across drought ravaged parts of Queensland and NSW queuing up for supplies. The product has only been available for about 12 months but those who’ve used it to supplement sheep, cattle and goats...

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ASWS Southern Region Show Results

Congratulations to all exhibitors who attended the Southern Region Show at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show held Friday 19th-Sunday 21st July 2019. There was some truly outstanding sheep in the show ring. Thank you to judge Stephanus Malan, the Southern Region committee, volunteers and generous sponsors who helped ensure...

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Dorper ewe of international standard

South African judge Stefaans Malan has praised the Dorper ewe, which took out the supreme exhibit at this year’s Australian Sheep & Wool Show, as an animal that could hold its own in international circles. Mr Malan said there was no contest between the champion ewe, exhibited by Dell Dorper,...

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Bendigo Dorper and White Dorper sale topper goes to Tasmania

*24 of 34 Dorper and White Dorper rams and ewes sold to $3700, av $1233 The top-priced animal at this year’s 11th annual Supreme Dorper and White Dorper sale has gone to a Tasmanian stud. Bob and Simone Burrows, Mount Dromedary Dorpers, won a spirited bidding war, paying $3700 for...

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Supreme White Dorper to Africans stud

Big classes exemplified the depth of the White Dorper breed judged by Stephanus Malan, Adelaide, Eastern Cape, South Africa, at the 2019 Australian Sheep & Wool Show. A 2-year-old ewe which had been judged senior champion ewe and grand champion ewe was awarded the supreme exhibit for the breed. Bred...

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Broken Hill producer droving sheep through Queensland

It’s not often you see a mob of sheep moving through Queensland with a drover, but for Broken Hill producer Michael Anderson it’s a vital step to keep his White Dorper operation going through the drought. Cymbric Vale Station, 180km north east of Broken Hill, has been pushed to the...

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