DSSA National Sale Entries Close Monday 9th July
The DSSA National Sale entries close Monday 9th July. Please send your entries to dorpereo@abri.une.edu.au. For more information about the event click here.
The DSSA National Sale entries close Monday 9th July. Please send your entries to dorpereo@abri.une.edu.au. For more information about the event click here.
The Southern Region Sale catalogue is now available. Click here to view the PDF version, or click here to view the lots on the online Flockbook. The sale will be held 1pm, Sunday 22nd July in conjunction with The Australian Sheep & Wool Show in Bendigo VIC. For further information...
The annual DSSA National sale will be held 4th-5th September 2018 at Dubbo Showgrounds, NSW. The DSSA would like to announce that sale entries are now open to all DSSA stud members. Vendors will again have the choice of Landmark or Elders as their selling agent. All animals will be...
10th Annual QLD Multi Vendor Dorper & White Dorper Ram & Ewe Sale To be held Friday 28th September 2018, 11.00am at the St George Showground Contact Richard Knights for further information on 0428 257 367 or DSSA Executive Officer, Sara Winn on 02 6773 3805. Agents: Elders – contact...
The Southern Region Show & Sale will be held in conjunction with Australian Sheep & Wool Show in Bendigo, 20th-22nd July 2018. The 10th Annual Bendigo Supreme Dorper & White Dorper Sale will be held Sunday 22nd July at 1pm. Sponsorship opportunities are available, please contact the office on 02...
Top honours have been awarded to a Western Australia stud at this year‘s National Dorper and White Dorper Show. The sheep titles were held for the first-time in Queensland at Toowoomba Royal Show on the Darling Downs with Kaya Dorper and White Dorper Stud’s Kaya Rabada 160921 ram crowned Supreme...
A Dorper ewe which was named champion senior ewe at this year’s Tenterfield Show has gone on to perform well on the national stage, sashed with a third-place ribbon at the Royal Toowoomba Show. The Dorper Society of Australia held its National Dorper & White Dorper Show in conjunction with...
LAMBEX 2018 has released its program featuring a strong line-up of international and Australian speakers who will present on an array of local and global issues for the sheep and lamb industry. The event at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre runs from Sunday, August 5, to Tuesday, August 7,...
MORVEN graziers David and Louise Winten might not have any mulga on their 10,852 hectare property but it’s an integral part of their Dorper sheep and Brangus cattle operation. The couple’s business is growing from strength to strength at the moment with exclusion fencing allowing them to return to sheep...
For the first time in history, the National Dorper and White Dorper Show will be held in Queensland where it will be held in conjunction with the Heritage Bank Toowoomba Royal Show on Wednesday, April 11 and Thursday, April 12. Dorper Sheep Society of Australia Inc (DSSA) executive officer, Sara...
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