Using Selection Indexes to Improve Genetic Gain

Dorper breeders can use several selection indexes, provided by Sheep Genetics, when selecting animals to improve their flock’s genetic gain. Of the available selection indexes, the Maternal Carcase Production (MCP) and the Maternal Carcase Production Plus (MCP+) are well suited to maternal based operations including Dorper flocks, as they focus...

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Nomuula Dorpers and White Dorpers Stud produces sound, highly fertile robust Dorpers where “size and length does matter”. Established in 2012, the stud has been built on the best foundation ewes – Type 5 and Type 4 – initially sourced for achieving excellence and following the breed standard, with a...

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Guardian Animals – Practical Insights from Dorper Producers

  Dorper mothers are renowned for being fiercely protective of their young. However, the threat of predators – foxes, feral pigs and others – pose enormous risks to the animals at their most vulnerable times – mothering. We asked our members to share their insights into how they use guardian...

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Accelerated Breeding Program Delivers Wins for St George Producer

 Image: Containment pens have been a game changer for St George producers, Jeff and Wendy Betts.   St George White Dorper producer Jeff Betts is not afraid to implement change – even when battling the extremities of Mother Nature. Together with wife Wendy, the couple breed White Dorpers on 12,000...

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Amarula is a family owned and run business, passionate about every ram that is bred and sold. Amarula Dorper rams are robust, hardy rams, bred under commercial conditions for commercial and stud enterprises. Progeny have profit driving qualities of fast growth and early finishing with exceptional carcase, which leads clients...

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Dorper – A Crucial Role to Western NSW

Image: Mal Brady   When it comes to suitability, the Dorper and semi-arid western region of New South Wales are a match made in heaven. That’s what esteemed industry stalwart Mal Brady believes. Mr Brady’s extensive experience with the Dorper breed – and the region – as a stock agent,...

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Kaya Dorper and White Dorper is a specialised Dorper breeding unit that aims to breed an animal that is representative of the Dorper breed standard and has the backing of objective measurement EBVs as determined by Sheep Genetics Australia. Since Kaya imported embryos in 1996, we have always used a...

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Solar Grazing a Win for Dorper Producers

Image: Winrae Dorpers graze under solar panels at Moree   Northern NSW Dorper breeders Nick and Mel Pagett have struck a unique arrangement with a Moree-based solar company. The Pagetts are leasing some 284 hectares of land underneath a solar farm at Moree – which produces enough solar energy to...

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Mount Wedge

Mount Wedge Dorpers are “station rams for station owners” and perform according to their upbringing in some of the most marginal country in Australia, on the Eyre Peninsula. The idea of Dorpers was first mentioned by a then 13-year-old Ross Bascomb in 2006 after learning of their shedding ability among...

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Management Practices Key to Increasing Dorper Reproductive Performance

Image: South Australian White Dorper producers at a demonstration site project.   The adoption of some key management practices has helped a group of producers running self-replacing White Dorper flocks increase their weaning percentages in a Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) funded Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) project. Anne Collins, AC...

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