Rams were offered by studs including Red Rock White Dorpers, Coombe, SA, Brummys Black, Bangham, SA, Australis and Genelink, SA, Glen Park Whites and Ultra Whites, Anabranch South, NSW, Vantablack Dorpers, Spring Ridge, NSW and Bunnerungie White Dorpers, Anabranch South, NSW.
In total 100 of the 121 rams offered sold to average $1335.
The top priced ram, 23-month old White Dorper Red Rock 21346, sold to Ben Palmer, Palapah, Ivanhoe for $3700.
The Roslynmead 200201 son weighed 118 kilograms and had a raw scan of 52 millimetres for eye muscle depth and 6.5mm for fat depth.