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Kaya Dorper and White Dorper is a specialised Dorper breeding unit that aims to breed an animal that is representative of the Dorper breed standard and has the backing of objective measurement EBVs as determined by Sheep Genetics Australia.

Since Kaya imported embryos in 1996, we have always used a recognised breed inspector to retain our conformation and visual assessment and all animals that have been bred on the property since that initial import have been objectively measured.

Kaya has a DNA genomic profile of our entire flock and has entered rams in the MLA resource flock and other assessment projects since their inception. Our aim is always to record and compare to assess how our breeding program is progressing.

We are involved In showing as we consider that promoting the breed can be achieved by presenting attractive high production animals and we have consistently presented the National Champion rams. We rarely show ewes as we consider that their job is to be in the breeding flock.

Our breeding program is based on conformation, growth (weaning and post weaning weights), and fertility (number of lambs weaned).

Kaya is a predominantly closed breeding unit with minimal introduction of outside genetics with the aim of stabilising our “type”. When introductions are done it is through semen purchases which are then used in embryo programs using our most successful breeding ewes to maximise potential success.

To limit inbreeding, Kaya uses the “matesel” computer software. Kaya Dorper and White Dorper – “More fact, less spin”.


2023 DSSA Journal, Page 38



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