With an unmatched line-up of 210 dorper and white dorper rams, the consistency of the quality on offer was evident to the buyers on-farm and online.
Buyers were keen to invest in this bloodline which has a long-standing reputation for delivering breed excellence, providing high returns for their customer base of both stud and commercial breeders.
Top price buyers at this sale were ex abattoir operators James and Luke Hardwick, whose family previously ran the Keyneton abattoir just north of Melbourne.
The Hardwick family ran this business for 43 years and saw first-hand the dorper carcass unrivalled in the abattoir for meat yield and carcass quality.
Guided by the experience of having slaughtered over 34 thousand lambs per week, their decision to invest in the dorper breed was well informed and based on qualitative and quantitative data collected during their time as abattoir operators.
Armed with this knowledge and in the early stages of establishing their dorper stud, Deep Dale Dorpers based at Tooday in Western Australia, Luke and James Hardwick purchased Burrawang white dorper ram Trump 191472 for a world record of $62,000, smashing the previous world record price by $12,000.
Deep Dale Dorpers also secured Burrawang dorper Cowboy 191253 for $42,000, and Burrawang Dorper Marksman 191354 for $26,000.
Click here to read the full article by the Farm Weekly.