The DSSA National Show and Sale held Wednesday 7th – Friday 9th September, sponsored by BreedELITE, was a highly anticipated event on the society’s calendar, particularly due to seeing numerous recent events across the industry cancelled or changed to online only events as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.
Events kicked off with the classing of the sale animals, where all sheep undergo vet checks, are assessed by a panel of DSSA inspectors to ensure they meet the breed standard, and are scanned for fat, eye muscle and finally, weighed. Pizzas were shared with vendors, prospective buyers, and other visitors while the classing was livestreamed to the society’s Faceboook page and AuctionsPlus listing.
The show, judged by Christo Harmse saw over 100 exhibits taking to the show ring on Thursday. The Supreme Exhibits and Most Successful awards were all presented to a renowned family of Dorper breeders and long-standing members, the Van Niekerk’s, owners of Dell, African and Dumisa studs. A show dinner was held later that evening at the Cattleman’s Motor Inn where over 50 members were in attendance, the society welcomed an AuctionsPlus representative to provide a hugely valuable insight into the current markets before dinner was served.
CLICK HERE to download the full show results, or CLICK HERE to view the image gallery.
The sale commenced on Friday morning and was interfaced with AuctionsPlus providing opportunity for animals to be purchased by breeders country-wide. Results reflected the high demand for the Dorper breed, and increasingly favourable conditions in most locations.
41 Dorper rams sold to $25,000 (Lot 11 Dell 200037 to Tom & Bec Palmer, Ivanhoe) and av $3,500.
30 White Dorper rams sold to $25,000 (Lot 63 African 210498 to Brad & Tanya Edson, Red Rock White Dorper stud) and av $5,650.
15 Dorper ewes sold to $4,400 (Lot 107 Dell 210058 to Tom & Bec Palmer, Ivanhoe) and av $2,520.
10 White Dorper ewes sold to $2,600 and averaged $1,720.
Pictured Above: Top Priced White Dorper Ram (Lot 63 African 210498) with Agent John Settree (Nutrien), stud principle Andrea Vagg and daughter Abigail, and BreedELITE’s Tim Johnsson.
Cover image: Top Priced Dorper Ram (Lot 11 Dell 200037) with John Settree (Nutrien), Teeah Bungey (AuctionsPlus) and Andrea Vagg (Dell, African, Dumisa)
Article by DSSA EO.