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Sheep sell to four states at Dorper Sheep Society of Australia sale at ASWS

WA-based Kaya Dorpers, of Narrogin, sold the top-priced Dorper ram at the Dorper Sheep Society of Australia sale at the Australian Sheep & Wool Show at Bendigo on Sunday.

The top-priced ram was the Dorper, Kaya 220709, which had won grand champion ram in the show ring the day prior under judge Christo Harmse of Gunnedah, NSW.

He was bought by Ben and Nicole Crozier, Willcannia, NSW, for $8500.

By Kaya 200231 and out of Kaya 190430, the August-2022 drop recorded breeding values of -0.34 for birthweight and +11.45 for post-weaning weight.

CLICK HERE to read the full article by Rebecca Nadge for the Stock & Land.

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