A TOTAL of 57 White Dorper rams from 10 vendors sold at auction from a 73 head offering to a top of $7500 and $2349 average during the 2017 National White Dorper sale at Dubbo on Wednesday, September 6.
As well 16 of 18 White Dorper ewes topped at $1400 twice to average $797.
IT was the structure and correctness of the Matchless 150440, plus the hindquarters that impressed Andrew and Megan Mosely, Etiwanda stud, Cobar, so much that they bid to $7500 to secure the ram for the sale’s top price.
“We like the squareness of this ram – a really correct, sound ram,” Mr Mosely said after the sale.
The Type-4 ram weighing 104 kilograms was sired by Matchless 120814 and the only purchase of the Moselys who said they were looking for a ram with “more meat”.
“We have worked hard to fix shoulders and feet within our flock and we now want a little more meat,” Mr Mosely said. Etiwanda Station runs 2000 White Dorper ewes of which 800 are studs nd the Matchless ram would add extra capacity to the hindquarters within the flock, Mr Mosely said.
Click Here to read the full story by Mark Griggs for The Land.